Haneesh George Kannath



Today, despite India’s economic growth, there is a real need to provide new job opportunities and put an end to poverty. Extensive progress has been made so far, but there are still social problems to address- child hunger, diseases, teenagers risk from addiction, poor education, high unemployment, old age care, rehabilitation and families in need of basic supports.

Being a part, we Empord Charitable Trust would like to share a part to build up the social, economic, educational and medical part in the state of kerala. Empord Charitable Trust would like to provide diversified social service to the community – aiming at a better life with better health care and improved educations for there in need. Our children are the future.They need nurturing and care in order to flourish and reach their potential.

We are grooming on various cultural and diversified activities including seminars on a variety of social, cultural and medical issues. We are planning our new project on social problems such an addiction, malnutrition, family planning, illiteracy, unemployment, women welfare, child welfare, old age care and mediations.

Perhaps one of the most important responsibility of Empord Charitable Trust is the monitering of our efforts and follow up of our work in all fields. We will works towards finding the best solution to every possible obstrucle facing us in building our dream. It’s our duty and we will carry on for the sake of generations to come.

Haneesh George Kannath
(Chairman of Emprod Charitable Trust)

Meet Our Team

Molly George

Vice Chairman

Soumya T.B.


Biju K.John


Geo Thomas


George Kannath

Joint Secretary